ᛗᚨᚱᛁᛟ ᛞᛖᛚᛁᚡᛖᚱᚤ ᛁᚾᚲ. enterprises

important stuff | why you should vote for us | our key issues | what we'll do | evil sillyman | the grilled onion cheddar burger | state of gd if we win

This no longer applies as we have left gd.

Key Info:

Why you should vote for us:

Sillyman: I'm gonna do things the way you guys want them to be done. If you wnat something new, let me know and I'll hold a vote for it. Additionally, I am kinda the best president; out of the 0 terms I have served, I have not done any bad things as president.


Our key issues:

Here's what we're gonna do during our term:

Evil Sillyman: Who he is and what we can do about him

Evil sillyman is a really mean guy. hes been mean to us in the past and hes also threatened to take over gd, heres our evidence (hover over the images for context)

so b asicaly hes gona ddos gay dads and then dox us all but we need your help to support our fight against him. We can recapture him if we win

The Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger

The Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger is a cheeseburger with caramelized onions and cheddar cheese on it. As of 2021, eating it will cause your lungs to rupture and your eyes to bleed. Doctors from the World Health Organisation have classified it as an international health risk. The update from the world health organization is that you will have type 700 diabetes after 70 days of eating it due to the amount of sugar placed in the Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger. Ronald McDonald himself will also come to your house and kill you if you survive 100 days after eating it.

If we get elected, this will be the state of gay dads:

Also, i think sites with little to no css are pretty cool.